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Seeing Through Our Stories

Sometimes people say they don’t want to look back at their past, because they are ashamed of all the mistakes they made, but actually it is possible to release ourselves from the “tyranny of the past,” if we realize that we are no longer that “self” who made those mistakes.

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Choosing to “fully make our own acquaintance”

To many older people, the idea of “slowing down” is anathema, but people who choose to “sage” (or to “consciously age”) can take advantage of this new mindset to spend more time exploring who they are and who they may want to become in this new life stage.

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Life Gets Better

Life Gets Better

When it comes to your view of aging, are you a “Denialist,” a “Realist,” or an “Enthusiast’? Does it matter which you are?

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Finding a Community

Community is an important part of anyone’s life, but it is crucial for aging well. Did you know there is a rapidly growing special community just for elders called Sage-ing International?

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From Age-ing to Sage-ing


Have you read the book “From Age-ing to Sage-ing: A Profound New Vision of Growing Older” by Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, the book that introduced the world to a new, more empowering way to look at aging?

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Karen West, MA, CSL, has been a seeker and an educator all her life. She spent her work life first as an English teacher and then as a career counselor. In 2007, Karen completed her training as a Spiritual Director. Then after retiring in 2012, she was certified as a Sage-ing Leader (CSL) and as a Legacy Facilitator. Conscious Aging and Sage-ing have become her passion.


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